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My Internship Journey

Research life is all about puffy eyes and dark under eye circles 😜  Hey guys, I was in lethargic state for more than three months and just got to realize that my writing skill is fading off slowly 😂. Well, that's a crystal clear example of my laziness ☹️. "My laziness is exactly as number 8, if it lays down, it becomes infinite" .So, to prevent the prolongation, I made a cup of coffee, downloaded some of my favorite songs on my phone and set up the laptop at the balcony to acquire inspiration from the ambiance to write this blog post. Let's dive into story mode 😀 BTW, this is an impromptu post in which I want to share about my internship journey in Agro-Biotechnology Institute, National Institute of Biotechnology Malaysia or shortly known as ABI-NIBM.  My internship period was three months which was from February to May (I know it was short but trust me guys I've learnt some stuffs that are related to my field). To be very honest, my interns...
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